Rodinia Profile

I love traveling, geology and visiting historical sites. 

Favourite travel destinations: Europe and the Middle East. Hope to explore more of Central Asia in the future, though.

Top of travel list: Saudi Arabia

Favourite archaeological period: Prehistoric, Romans

Favourite geology: the 'oldest rock', Buntsandstein (also take Old Red Sandstone), karst features, ophiolite complexes and generally lovely green mantle rocks. 

Visited Sites Rodinia

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
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Recent Reviews Rodinia

Binegadi Fauna and Flora Deposit (T)

Rodinia Netherlands - 23-Apr-24

Today I visited this location from Baku by busses and minibuses plus unexpected walks as the bus I needed (bus 134) does not seem to go at the moment. I visited the lake at the coordinates the other review mentions (40.467668, 49.801180). The approach is not the nicest as one has to walk through a garbage dump to reach the shore. The lake itself doesn't look like asphalt, but rather somewhat clean water. The large amount of vegetation and the clean (bar the rubbish) soil also makes me wonder whether there was any asphalt here in recent years. After a quick look and a few photos I went towards the lake hotel and then approached the Keyraki mud volcano from the back side, There are several paths up

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Al Zubarah

Rodinia Netherlands - 12-Sep-20

I've visited Al Zubarah twice. The first time was around 2009/2010 when I was living in Qatar for roughly a year. At that time it was not yet a WHS. Substantial parts of that town were uncovered then and it was really fascinating to see the layout and the different houses. When I returned to Qatar in around 2013/2014 I visited again and found that most of the town was covered up again and there were just a few buildings visible, plus a reconstruction. I can imagine that people are disappointed about this as there really is not a lot to see. On the other hand I can understand why this was done: the town is built from beach rock, just right there from the water edge: tower shells and sand grains cemented together by the high calcium content sea water

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Most Impressive
Baalbek, Lebanon

Recently Visited WHS

Update 10.02.25

7 Countries Complete

Cyprus . Holy See . Luxembourg . Malta . Qatar . Singapore . United Arab Emirates .

Rating Stats
Angkor 5
Petra 5
Byblos 4.5
Khinalig 4.5
Riga 4.5
Rome 4.5
Schokland 4.5
Tallinn 4.5
Tyre 4.5
Wadi Rum 4.5
Anjar 4
Kotor 4
Paphos 4
Trogir 4
Brugge 3.5
Corvey 3.5
Edinburgh 3.5
Istanbul 3.5
Lyon 3.5
Lübeck 3.5
Meteora 3.5
Mostar 3.5
Mtskheta 3.5
Orange 3.5
Rhodes 3.5
Sheki 3.5
Vilnius 3.5
Warsaw 3.5
Al Ain 3
Kandy 3
Prague 3
Split 3
Yazd 3
Vienna 2.5